Neighborhood Nursery School
Neighborhood Nursery School at NCC is an early childhood education program that provides a welcoming and supportive community where children can feel free to explore their environment and express themselves through play, creativity, and independence. NNS offers 2.9 year old, preschool and pre-kindergarten classes as well as lunch bunch and extended day options. Neighborhood Nursery School offers respectful, child-led education through play and discovery.
At Neighborhood Nursery School at Needham Children’s Center, we believe that every child is unique and worthy. We provide a loving and safe environment where prekindergarten children thrive. Our curriculum has been carefully developed by our staff to be age appropriate and engaging. Our outdoor play area offers wonderful opportunities for learning, creative play, social interaction and more.
If you are interested in getting more information about our preschool program please contact us at 781-710-8169.